Monday, October 12, 2020


 Recently I posted that I was planning on moving at the end of the year. The Recent Glass Fire Changed all that. Early in the morning of Monday Sept. 28, my house, shop, storage, and Yard with considerable salvage inventory burned. Was a complete loss. I was able to salvage some clothes, personal items including photographs of my kids and family. I was able to get my kitty into her carrier so safely removed her. The fire was incredibly hot, even items that were marble, stone, etc. were destroyed. Many people know that I got sober almost 21 years ago. I am grateful that from that ongoing experience I have tools to handle  this very difficult transition. I have said it before, but bears repeating here, I will create again. I cannot envision not making art. I want to thank all the people who have reached out, friends, family, and clients, all the kind words and advice are appreciated. I may not have been able to acknowledge everybody personally but know that each and every communication was appreciated and helped me move forward in these difficult times. FYI, my cell and email remain the same, and all are welcome in cave junction if in the area, please look me up! 

My new home, view of the Illinois river from back porch

When I evacuated, I drove to A friends house in Berkeley. Carefully wrapped in the back of my truck was this cement statue. I laughed, thinking how illogical it was for me save something made of cement. I did not realize that all my garden statues would be pulverized from the heat. This one alone survived.

One of the few pieces I managed to salvage. Cast iron, VERY old, probably fountain or pump head, was very happy to see this in the rubble.